Over on UpToJump, they've just posted the first ten entries in The Official BEEX Bestest Games Of All Time. I wrote the little bit about Transport Tycoon, and have written a few more short entries for a few of the higher ranked games, which should appear over the next four weeks or so.
The list was compiled from the votes of a bunch of geeks like me on the Be Excellent To Each Other forum. It's not the busiest forum in the world, and a little bit cliquéy, so some pretty left-field choices feature in there. I'm all in favour of that as most of these lists are all too tediously similar to each other, although I'm still slightly shocked and appalled that Tetris failed to make the final cut.
For the record, I didn't vote for Transport Tycoon myself, but y'know, you go where the work is.
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