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Wednesday 6 January 2010

World of Stuart Blog

Stuart Campbell (perhaps best described by Kieron Gillen as "videogame journalism's answer to Al Qaeda") has started blogging. He's probably the greatest polemicist there is and might ever be in games writing, and the vast number of Internet hate groups that have been set up against him over the years are a tribute to his success. No-one divides opinion quite like he can (except perhaps Tim Rogers), but even when I'm vehemently disagreeing with what he's got to say, I never doubt that he's among the most entertaining, original and informed people you can read.

His blog is particularly exciting because there's been so little new content on his main site for the past three years (even for those willing to pay £2 /month for access to his subscriber features). On the WoSblog there have so far been 16 posts in the space of less than a week, including this quite inspired spin on those over-exposed "Game of the Year" features. This compares with a total of 21 posts over all of 2009 on the regular World of Stuart.

Wherever he decides to put his words, long may his prolificity prolificness continue.


  1. Kind words, man, but it's a *little* harsh equating WoSblog posts (sometimes just a YouTube link or a picture of a squirrel) with WoS subscriber features (several thousand words of often brand-new content)...

  2. Fair point, but those pictures of squirrels were damn impressive.
