I’m not being precise about my age there because of some indulgent quirk of my obsessive-compulsive personality; no, there’s every chance that at 24 years, 8 months and 4 days I’ll want to re-write the whole thing. As everyone who makes a list like this really ought to acknowledge, I haven’t played every game in the world. I’ve scarcely touched a Sega Saturn, and never come anywhere near a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga . What follows is shallow and ill-researched, and little more than an excuse to talk about some great games. But be reassured reader, that I at least have the decency to admit my limitations.
Despite the self-deprecation, this isn't a completely half-arsed operation. All the games on the list had to meet some strict criteria before I allowed them to become one of my "Top Ten... in the World... Ever!!!" All of the games in this series will feel “complete”. Never, or only very rarely, will their makers have left you wanting for options, game modes or play mechanics. There will be a consistency to their worlds, with no literal or metaphorical invisible walls to remind you that you’re playing a game. And very-much-relatedly, they will stand the test of time; the majority of them having done so already.
So let's get on with it:
10. Tetris
9. Metal Gear Solid
8. Shenmue
7. TBA
6. ?
5. ?
4. ?
3. ?
2. ?
1. ?
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